Ukraine - Day by Day

If you are interested in reading about the previous countries we visited, you can find the related articles here: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

As you may know by know…

…if you have been following our adventures, my friend and I were on the road since February 2020 in order to complete a European tour.

The journey took us to incredible places such as Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and in March 2020 my friend and I entered our 6th country on the journey of our European Trip, after several hours spent at the border.

We had to drive to Poland in order to enter Ukraine, which is a country we have explored a bit in some previous trips and I’m inviting you to check it out here.

Being out of the EU felt like a proper adventure and a further step from home and we decided to sleep in hotels and Airbnb in order to benefit from an easy Wi-Fi and a stable comfort as well as safety, knowing that the country was partly in war with its Russian neighbour.

A bit of History:

Ukraine Ukraine is the second largest country in Eastern Europe, with an area of 603,628 km2 and is known for its Orthodox churches, Black Sea coastline and forested mountains. Excluding Crimea, Ukraine has a population of about 42 million, making it the eighth-most populous country in Europe. Its capital and largest city is Kyiv.

Day 1: Driving to the tunnel of Love

After a night close to the border in a very shady and cold hotel, we drove to the Tunnel of Love on Woman’s Day. As we’re traveling in winter, we were expecting a white and cold show. “Unfortunately,” it was 10 degrees and the snow had never arrived in Ukraine as well as the leaves on the trees and therefore the “tunnel” looked a little bit naked. I noticed also a lot of trash around the rails too, which was a big shame. But a lot of locals went there for a walk, and it was still had a nice vibe. It simply gave us another reason to come back to Ukraine.

Day 2: Walking in Kiev

Waking up in the centre of Kiev was pretty enjoyable and gave us the chance to truly experience the city vibe. Trying to find the Tourist Centre of Information we got lost in the Opera and asked our way. We finally ended up understanding how Kiev was treating its foreigner tourists and you can read all about our experience here.

Day 3: A day in Chernobyl

Thanks’ to Chernobyl Travel we got the chance to spend the day with our super cool guide on the site of the world’s most terrible nuclear disaster in history. Read all about it here

Day 4; A day in Odessa

After some very busy days in Kiev, we went back in our car and drove South towards Odessa, the “summer city”. the weather was surprisingly beautiful, and warm, that March felt like Spring already. We decided to sleep in an Airbnb again this time, to gain some strength and proper sleep as well as staying safe.

We enjoyed some nice walking in the city as well some wine and seafood in front of the beach. It definately felt like holidays ! You can read about this day here :)


A day in Kiev